Do you have questions about applying for a job with us? We’ve summarized some of the most important answers for you and hope that this will make things clearer - and that you’ll then be able to apply to us even sooner and with great success.

How should I apply?


To ensure rapid processing, we ask you to apply online via our career portal. Here, you can upload your own individual application documents (cover letter, resume, references, photo). You’ll receive an automatically generated confirmation e-mail when you have completed the process successfully. This way, the data protection guidelines are also complied with.

What documents are required to submit a good application?


To submit an application to our company, you need an informative cover letter, a resume and relevant references. Please make sure that you also state the area you want to work in on your application.

Can I also submit a general application?


If none of our job openings is suitable right now, you can also send us a general application. Please remember to state which area you want to work in.

I’m interested in several job openings – should I apply for each one individually?


Please send us a separate application for each position you are interested in. We are then happy to check which position might be the most appropriate from our perspective.

When can I expect to receive a response to my application?


You will receive an automatically generated confirmation e-mail as soon as you have successfully completed the online application. If we need any extra information or documents from you, we’ll contact you by e-mail or phone. Following a preselection phase (usually 1 week), you’ll receive feedback from us. In the case of general applications, it may take 3 to 4 weeks before you receive any feedback from us.

How does the selection process work?


We invite the most interesting candidates to take part in an initial telephone interview or meeting in person. Depending on the position, this may consist of one to three stages. A recruiter will give you more detailed information about who will interview you and the process that awaits you.

How often are job openings updated?


Our job platform is continually updated. This means that all jobs listed are still open, although the stage at which we are in finding a suitable applicant will of course differ from position to position.

What do I need to bring with me to the interview?


If you’ve already included all the relevant information in the application documents, there’s nothing else specifically that you need to bring with you to the interview. Except, of course, your interest and motivation. 

Do you also supervise internships and bachelor/master theses?


Yes, and we do this regularly in different departments. In most cases, internships and final degree theses are linked. Internships often create the foundation for going on to have a career at our company. If you’re interested in joining our “family” after finishing the internship, together we can discuss the possibilities of joining the company. Specific job advertisements can be found under “Job openings”.

Does the company also offer vacation internships?


You are welcome to learn more about our company during the summer vacations (July – September). You can apply for a summer internship from the end of December to the end of March. Please apply via our online platform under “Job openings”. Summer internships are possible in a range of specialist areas. Please specify the area which would interest you most in your letter of application. We will notify you of any potential work opportunities by the end of April.